准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷风城组储层致密化过程与成藏模式研究——以玛西地区风二段为例 |
关键词:Junggar Basin Mahu Depression Fengcheng Formation reservoir forming model |
基金项目:中国石油天然气股份有限公司前瞻性基础性研究重大科技项目“准噶尔盆地二叠系全油气系统地质理论与勘探实践”(编号: 2021DJ0108);国家自然科学基金项目“基于仿生学模拟的致密砂体润湿性变化规律与油气运聚研究”(编号: 41902142) |
摘要点击次数: 608 |
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摘要: |
Reservoir Densification Process and Accumulation Model of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin: A Case Study of Section 2 Feng in Maxi Area |
Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Depression of Junggar Basin, a typical example of the whole oil and gas system, is a potential area for exploration and development of large-scale oil reservoirs in the future. To better understand the reservoir densification process and hydrocarbon accumulation model of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Depression, this study using XRD, SEM, and other experimental data based on core, cast thin slice, and production dynamics. Our investigation yielded the following results: 1) Compaction played a leading role in the Late Permian. Moreover, salt mineral and crystalline dolomite devitrification in the second member of Fenghe resulted in more micropore space. The Early Triassic organic acid dissolution created reservoir space and favorable conditions. The Early Jurassic was characterized by intense dolomitization and the organic acids further dissolved feldspar and carbonate minerals. 2) The reservoirs of the Late Permian Shifengcheng Formation were not dense; certain lithofacies began to densify in the Middle and Late Early Triassic. Most reservoirs became dense from the Early Jurassic with only local sweet spots. 3) In the Late Permian, buoyancy and hydrocarbon generation pressurization, combinedly played a role. After the Early Triassic century, hydrocarbon generation pressurization gradually became the major driving force and developed into a characteristic process of the entire hydrocarbon system. The aforementioned results are expected to provide support for the upcoming oil and gas exploration of the Fengcheng Formation in the Mahu Depression. |
LI Hui,LIU Xinlong,ZHOU Zuoming,ABULIZI Kelimu,JIANG Yiyang,REN Haijiao,LIU Deguang,LI Na,MA Yinshan.2024.Reservoir Densification Process and Accumulation Model of Fengcheng Formation in Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin: A Case Study of Section 2 Feng in Maxi Area[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,45(6):1023-1032. |
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