ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
关键词:gravity data fusion  Bouguer gravity anomaly  Changning earthquake  density inversion
基金项目:Gravity Data Fusion and Deep-shallow Structure Characteristics in Changning of Sichuan Province and Its Periphery
麻继文 中国地震局地震研究所(地震大地测量重点实验室)防灾科技学院 
吴桂桔 中国地震局地震研究所(地震大地测量重点实验室)防灾科技学院 
邹正波 中国地震局地震研究所(地震大地测量重点实验室)防灾科技学院  
谈洪波 中国地震局地震研究所(地震大地测量重点实验室)  
王嘉沛 中国地震局地震研究所(地震大地测量重点实验室)  
摘要点击次数: 609
全文下载次数: 150
      High-precision geophysical data is the basis for obtaining material changes inside the crust. On June 17, 2019, a MS6.0 earthquake occurred in Changning, Sichuan Province. Recently, there have been several earthquakes of approximately magnitude 5 in this region, and the causes of earthquake occurrence in this region are controversial. First, based on the gravity profile data, the mapped relationship between the gravity field model data and the measured gravity profile data was determined. Next, the gravity field model data were modified, and high-precision grid data of the study area were obtained by bilinear interpolation. Using the epicenter of the Changning MS6.0 earthquake as the central point, four gravity profiles were extracted, and the characteristics of crustal density variation across the Changning earthquake epicenter were obtained using the density inversion method. The results showed that the accuracy of the fusion data obtained by the calculation of the mapping relationship between the gravity field model data and the measured gravity data was less than 5%. The earthquake clusters in Changning and its surrounding areas corresponded to the Triassic strata, and most occurred along the anticline and syncline. The Changning earthquake was located in the positive, low-value area of 0–30 mGal residual Bouguer gravity anomaly and 0.048–0.058 g/cm3 density, a high-low transition region. This area is at the intersection of the Dadiwan fault on the Changning anticline and a hidden fault on the Shuanghe anticline axis. This study provided the technical basis for multi-source gravity data fusion and could serve as a dynamic-based seismic physical prediction tool.
MA Jiwen,WU Guiju,ZOU Zhengbo,TAN Hongbo,WANG Jiapei.2024.[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,45(6):977-988.
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