ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
鲁西韩旺BIF铁矿的形成时代——锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年证据
关键词:BIF  Hanwang iron deposit  western Shandong  Archean  zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating
基金项目:国家自然科学联合基金项目(编号: U2344210);国家自然科学重点基金项目(编号: 42130311);国家自然科学基金项目(编号: 41872200);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(编号: DD20221645)
王宇晴 中国地质大学(北京), 地球科学与资源学院中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京离子探针中心 
单吉成 山东省沂源县自然资源局  
董春艳 中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京离子探针中心 
王世进 山东省地质调查院  
董津蒙 华北地质勘查局五一四地质大队  
颉颃强 中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京离子探针中心  
万渝生 中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京离子探针中心  
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Formation Age of the Hanwang BIF Deposit in Western Shandong: Evidence from Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Dating
      Archean supracrustal rocks in western Shandong include two stages of supracrustal rocks during the Early Neoarchean and the Late Neoarchean. Early supracrustal rocks are mainly composed of metamorphic basalt-Komatiite, whereas late supracrustal rocks are mainly composed of metamorphic volcanic rocks-clastic sedimentary rocks and BIF (Banded Iron Formations). The Hanwang iron deposit is located in the northwest of western Shandong. There are a large quantities of meta-basalt-Komatiite in the iron ore area. It is believed that the BIF was formed during the Early Neoarchean, but a recent study suggests that the BIF in western Shandong area was formed during the Late Neoarchean. In this study, the zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the biotite granulite interbedded with BIF and the gneissic granodiorite intruded in the Hanwang iron ore area was carried out, and the ages were (2529±7) Ma and (2534±11) Ma, respectively. The TREE, (La/Yb)N, and Eu/Eu* of biotite granulite and gneissic granodiorite are 76′10–6, 19.8, and 0.84 and 82.7′10–6, 17.3, and 1.14, respectively. The εHf values and single-stage Hf isotopic model ages of their magmatic zircons are 5.5–9.46 Ga and 2.5–2.6 Ga, and 6.3– 9.4 Ga and 2.48–2.60 Ga, respectively. This study supports the recognition that BIF in western Shandong was formed during the Late Neoarchean. The formation of supracrustal rocks, metamorphic deformation, and granodiorite intrusion occurred in a very short-time range. The study also shows that the protolith of the biotite granulite is dacitic volcanic rock, which was likely to be formed by the strong crystallization differentiation of the newborn basaltic magma. The granodiorite was formed by the partial melting of the newborn basaltic rock, and the continental crust material was added during the formation process.
WANG Yuqing,SHAN Jicheng,DONG Chunyan,WANG Shijin,DONG Jinmeng,XIE Hangqiang,WAN Yusheng.2024.Formation Age of the Hanwang BIF Deposit in Western Shandong: Evidence from Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Dating[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,45(6):903-912.
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