ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
打造过硬品牌 以彰显地质公园在UNESCO世界级名录中的特殊地位——PPF理念(“过去—现在—将来”理念)
关键词:UNESCO  Geopark  features  PPF concept
盖伊-马提尼 法国普罗旺斯高地地质公园 
张志光 中国地质科学院
顾琰菲 中国地质科学院  
李 薇 中国地质科学院  
摘要点击次数: 3760
全文下载次数: 686
Creating a New Strong Geopark Identity in front of Other World UNESCO Territories: The PPF Concept
      There are currently 90 Geoparks across 27 countries and regions, organized through the Global Geoparks Network (GGN). Despite UNESCO’s central role in establishing this network, its support to Geoparks has been defined as “ad hoc” for over a decade. And now GGN should be formalized as an international initiative or programme. This formalization would benefit Geoparks through improved governance, enforced network and better utilization of resources. To achieve that, with the unique core features, Geoparks should not duplicate or conflict with other UNESCO territories, but complement other UNESCO programmes. The PPF concept presented in this paper is an effective method to realize this complement, creating a new and strong Geopark identity in front of other world UNESCO territories.
Guy MARTINI,ZHANG Zhi-guang,GU Yan-fei,LI Wei.2013.Creating a New Strong Geopark Identity in front of Other World UNESCO Territories: The PPF Concept[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,34(2):229-232.
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