ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
关键词:Raman spectroscopy  fluid inclusion  internal pressure
陈勇 石油大学地球化学与岩石圈动力学开放实验室山东东营257061 
周瑶琪 石油大学地球化学与岩石圈动力学开放实验室山东东营257061  
颜世永 石油大学地球化学与岩石圈动力学开放实验室山东东营257061  
刘超英 石油大学地球化学与岩石圈动力学开放实验室山东东营257061  
王强 石油大学地球化学与岩石圈动力学开放实验室山东东营257061  
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The Application of Laser Raman Spectroscopy to Obtaining Internal Pressure of Fluid Inclusions
      The relationship between the Raman shift and the pressure of CO_2, CH_4, N_2, and their mixtures is described in this paper. The fitting of the experimental data shows that all Raman shifts decrease by one order exponential with increasing pressure, no matter the material is pure gas or mixtures. The pressure exerts a much more effect on Raman shifts than the content. Raman shifts of N_2 become more sensitive to pressure because of mixing with methane. However, things are just opposite for methane. Such a phenomenon can be explained by molecular interaction. Peak area, peak width, and peak height all change with increasing pressure. The practical applications indicate that the laser Raman spectroscopy is a new means for obtaining the internal pressure of fluid inclusions with complex systems.
CHEN Yong,ZHOU Yao-qi,YAN Shi-yong,LIU Chao-ying,WANG Qiang.2006.The Application of Laser Raman Spectroscopy to Obtaining Internal Pressure of Fluid Inclusions[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,27(1):69-73.
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