ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
关键词:loess Al center ESR dating
林敏 中国原子能科学研究院计量测试部北京102413中国地震局地质研究所地震动力学国家重点实验室北京100029 
尹功明 中国原子能科学研究院计量测试部北京102413 
丁艳秋 中国原子能科学研究院计量测试部北京102413 
崔莹 中国原子能科学研究院计量测试部北京102413 
陈克胜 中国原子能科学研究院计量测试部北京102413 
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A Preliminary Study of ESR Dating for Aluminum Center in Quartz from Sediments
      It is urgent to study and establish a method for evaluating the ages of sediments older than 200 000 years. ESR dating has great potential in this field. This paper gives the paleo-doses for the four layers of loess in Luochuan, Shaanxi Province. The preli-minary results were obtained by measuring Al centers in quartz under 115 K with the ESR method. The paleo-dose increases with the depth of loess without saturation , and this indicates that ESR dating with Al centers might be used to evaluate the ages of sediments older than 200 000 years.
LIN Min,YIN Gongming,DING Yanqiu,CUI Ying,CHEN Kesheng.2005.A Preliminary Study of ESR Dating for Aluminum Center in Quartz from Sediments[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,26(z1):255-257.
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