ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
关键词:composition  metamorphism/deformation  tectonic line direction  evolution  Qinling complex
王涛 西安地质学院资源系 
胡能高 西安地质学院资源系 
裴先治 西安地质学院资源系 
杨家喜 西安地质学院资源系 
李伍平 西安地质学院资源系 
摘要点击次数: 2937
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The Composition,Tectonic Framework and Evolution of Qinling Complex, Central China
      Qinling complex is composed of metamorphic stratas, orthogneisses, gneisses unknown their types of original rocks, marble blocks unknown their ages and ophiolite slices. The stratas can be disintegrated into Qinling rock group and Xiahe rock group. The tectonic framework of the complex is characterized by oblique arrangement of three lenticular tectono stratigraphic blocks, showing NW direction tectonic line. The metamorphic terrane was formed in tectonic setting of the subduction collision in the north Qinling in late Proterozoic era, developing NNW direction tectonic framework, and then intensely reworked during plastic uplifting in Paleozoic era, characterized by NNW direction tectonics, and lately elevated into surface tectonic level as a whole terrane, superposed by EW direction brittle ductile shear zones. The character of the evolution of the complex reveal the feature of the state of the regional tectonics and moving direction of tectonic blocks in different periods.
WANG Tao,HU Neng-gao,PEI Xian-zhi,YANG Jia-xi,LI Wu-ping.1997.The Composition,Tectonic Framework and Evolution of Qinling Complex, Central China[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,18(4):345-351.
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