ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
安徽蚌埠晚更新世的Palaeoloxodon naumanni (Makiyama)及其古环境意义
关键词:Bengbu area  Anhui province  Late Pleistoncene  Palaeoloxodon naumanni
王强 天津地质矿产研究所 
田国强 地质力学研究所北京 
金权 安徽省地质矿产局蚌埠市环境地质总站 
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Late Pleistocene Palaeoloxodon naumanni (Makiyama) in the Bengbu Area, Anhui and Its Palaeoenvironmental Significance
      Following the excavating of the channel from Huaiyun county, Anhui to Hongzehu Lake, Jiangsu, a total of nine incisors and one skull of Palaeologxodom naumanni (Makiyama) (Fig.2, Plate1) have been found in the course of 80km in length. In Japan the 14C dating data show that P. naumanni was living in the duration of 16.2-32.0 ka B.P (requeted from Zhou Mingzhen et al.; 1974). Based on te stratigraphic correlation it can be seen that the horizons yielding these fossils had been determined late Late Pleistocene in geological time either in the Huaibei (north side of Huaihe River) Plain of Anhui province or in the north part of Peixian county of Jiangsu province (Fig.3). The U-Series dating data for six specimens represent that two dating data were unavailable, because the specimens dated 190km and that dated 72ka only have a distance of 7m. As the weathering, the enamel on the fossil surface had being denuded out and the ground wa-ter and surrounding sediment all could affect the fossils, so the specimens dated 190ka and 290ka respectively might had being polluted. The specimens dated 72ka B.P. belong to the Late Interglacial stage in time, the specimen dated 63ka B.P. belongs to the duration of warm-temperature phase with 65.0-53.5ka B.P., which was determined in the Bo-hai Sea based on transgressional layer and sporo-pollen analyese. The specimen dated 40ka B.P. belongs to another warm-temperature phase (the duration of 40-30ka B.P.), which was also determined based on same analyses in sea region and on coastal plain.It appears that P. naumanni occurred generally in warm-temperature and wet climatic stage. However, thses follils might be transported by flowing water or runoff. At Fuyang and Mengcheng counties located at the west side of Bengbu sity, a total of 19 specimens of lower jaw or skull of P. naumanni have been found and in the studied area the incisors are dominant. At Maotang village of Huaiyuan county, the fossil of P. naumanni occurred at the depth 9m and two eggs of Struthio at the depth of 6m (5th volumn from the left in Fig.3). The latter only occurred at the Maximum Glacial Stage (25-15ka B.P.). By the way, the low sea-level at that time caused the riverine hearward-eroding and palaeoland-form had rolling ground, the stratigraphic hiatus also ocurred then (Fig.3). This means that these fossils were not in situ and the western region from the Bengbu city might be the main haunt of P. naumanni at that time.
Wang Qiang,Tian Guoqiang,Jin Quan.1996.Late Pleistocene Palaeoloxodon naumanni (Makiyama) in the Bengbu Area, Anhui and Its Palaeoenvironmental Significance[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,17(z1):200-206.
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