ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
毛景文 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
唐绍华 中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所 
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      The Mineralization and alteration in the Yidong Wudi tin mine, Guangxi Autonomous region are distributed along NE-trending faults and well developed at the rise over the Pingying biotite-granitic body (γ22), in adjoining strata and the basic complex (γ21).Owing to the difference in the intensity for every stage of the poly-tectono-magmatic activities in this region and the presence of the advancing front of the related hydrothermal solutions at different places, there occurred progressive and petrogressive mineralized alteration zones and their superposition on each other, which were clustered around the granitic rises and also the NE-trending faults. When the first stage of the tourmalie type tin ore was formed, a well-developed zone of mineralized alteration appeared in the basic rocks and the rises over the granite.The said mineralized alteration was originated and evolved under the joint control of the granitic intrusion, petrological characters of the host rocks and related structural characteristics. Three alteration series (Table 1) were produced as result of the action of hydrothermal solutions on three types of wall rocks, i. e, granite, siltstone and basic rocks. And five alteration stages (Table 1) were disguished during the four tectonic periods, the products of each alteration stage was a suite of daughter series of evolution rather than those of one or more types of alteration. The general evolutionary mode of the mineralized alteration was"replacement→both replacement and preciptation →preciptation". Those of the daughter series were pH alkaline→ acid→ weakly alkaline (or alkaline)→weakly acid→medium→weakly alkaline, temperature, high→low (410120℃), fluid oxygen isotop δ18WO%7→3. mineral complex-simple associations.Geochemical studies of the mineralized, altered rocks or ores have shown that:the siltstone and basic rocks were altered and mineralized, there was an inflow of K, Na, Sn, W, F, B, P, Ta and Mb, and an outflow of Sr, Cl, Sc, Cu, Zn, Co, Ni, Fe and Mg; and when the mineralization and alteration took place the rises of granite, there was an inflow of Si, K, F, H2O, P, Sn and W into, and an outflow of Ma, Ti, AJ, Na, Cl and CO2 from the aJterated rocks.
MAO Jing-wen,TANG Shao-hua.1986.ON THE ALTERATION OF THE YIDONG WUDI TIN DEPOSIT IN GUANGXI[J].Acta Geoscientica Sinica,8(2):51-71.
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