1. Personal Introduction
Associate Professor, Institute of Geology, CAGS, Beijing, China
2016-present Associate Professor, Institute of Geology, CAGS, Beijing, China;
2016-2019 Expert evaluator for the Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowships of the European Union;
2010-2016 Assistant Professor, Institute of Geology, CAGS, Beijing, China;
05-06/2018 Invited visiting Professor, ISTerre, University Grenoble-Alpes, France;
2006-2009 Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University: Geomorphology / Paleoclimate of Tibet;
2002-present Field work all over the Tibetan Plateau;
2021-2025 Key project for International collaboration of NSFC: PI ~380k USD;
2020 “Huang Jiqing award” for youth geological science and technology (China);
2020-2023 Sichuan-Tibet railway project of NSFC: ~120k USD;
2020-2021 NSFC-FRNS (Belgium) International cooperation project: PI ~15k USD;
2018-2020 Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS): PI ~60k USD;
2018-2020 Basic Outlay of Scientific Research Work, China Geological Survey (CGS): PI ~140k USD;
2017-2020 Natural National Science Foundation of China (NSFC): PI ~115k USD;
2016 & 2017 Award from the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS);
2013-2016 Natural National Science Foundation of China (NSFC): PI ~150k USD;
2010-2017 Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS): PI ~250k USD;
2006-2009 Marie Curie (MSCA) Outgoing International Fellowship (OIF-FP6): ~300k USD;
2006-2007 Honorary Fellowship from the Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) and the University of Liège;
2002-2005 Group leader of “Pari-Cité”, environmental organization in Paris's Cité Universitaire;
2001 & 2002 Volunteer Work for SCI International (Alaska and Quebec);
2000 Participant in the “3rd Student Parabolic Flight Campaign” organized by the European Space;
Agency (ESA), studying the effects of microgravity on foam;
January 2021 Google Scholar: h-index 20, Citations 1462
(1) CHEVALIER M L, WANG S, PAN J W, BAI M K, LI K, LI H. 2021. Western limit of monsoonal precipitation in southern Tibet during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) from maximum extent of LGM moraines. In preparation for Global and Planetary Change.
(2) CHEVALIER M L, TAPPONNIER P, VAN DER WOERD J, LELOUP P H, WANG S, PAN J W, BAI M K, KALI E, LIU X, LI H B. 2020. Late Quaternary Extension Rates Across the Northern Half of the Yadong-Gulu Rift – Implication for East-West Extension in Southern Tibet[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 125: e2019JB019106, doi:10.1029/2019JB019106.
(3) CHEVALIER M L, REPLUMAZ A. 2019. Deciphering old moraine age distributions in SE Tibet showing bimodal climatic signal for glaciations: Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 6[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 507: 105-118, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.11.033.
(4) CHEVALIER M L. 2019. Active Tectonics along the Karakorum Fault, Western Tibetan Plateau: A Review[J]. Acta Geoscientica Sinica, 40(1): 37-54.
(5) CHEVALIER M L, LELOUP P H, REPLUMAZ A, PAN J, MÉTOIS M, LI H. 2017. Temporally constant sliprate along the Ganzi fault, NW Xianshuihe fault system, eastern Tibet[J]. Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi:10.1130/B31691.1.
(6) CHEVALIER M L, PAN J, LI H, SUN Z, LIU D, PEI J, XU W, WU C. 2017. First tectonic-geomorphology study along the Longmu–Gozha Co fault system, Western Tibet[J]. Gondwana Research, 41: 411-424.
(7) CHEVALIER M L, LELOUP P H, REPLUMAZ A, PAN J, LIU D, LI H, GOURBET L, METOIS M. 2016. Tectonic-geomorphology of the Litang fault system, SE Tibetan Plateau, and implication for regional seismic hazard[J]. Tectonophysics, 682: 278-292.
(8) CHEVALIER M L, LELOUP P H, LI H, 2016. Comment on “No late Quaternary strike-slip motion along the northern Karakoram fault” published by Robinson et al. in EPSL, 2015[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 443: 216-219.
(9) CHEVALIER M L, VAN DER WOERD J, TAPPONNIER P, LI H, RYERSON F J, FINKEL R C. 2016. Late Quaternary slip-rate along the central Bangong?Chaxikang segment of the Karakorum fault, western Tibet[J]. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128: 284-314.
(10) CHEVALIER M L, PAN J, LI H, LIU D, WANG M. 2015. Quantification of both normal and right-lateral late Quaternary activity along the Kongur Shan extensional system, Chinese Pamir[J]. Terra Nova, 27: 379-391, doi:10.1111/ter.12170.
(11) CHEVALIER M L, TAPPONNIER P, VAN DER WOERD J, RYERSON F J, FINKEL R C, LI H. 2012. Spatially constant slip rate along the southern segment of the Karakorum fault since 200 ka[J]. Tectonophysics, 530-531(2): 152-179.
(12) CHEVALIER M L, LI H, PAN J, PEI J, WU F, XU W, SUN Z, LIU D. 2011b. Fast slip rate along the northern end of the Karakorum fault system, western Tibet[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 38: L22309.
(13) CHEVALIER M L, HILLEY G, TAPPONNIER P, VAN DER WOERD J, LIU-ZENG J, FINKEL R C, RYERSON F J, LI H, LIU X. 2011. Constraints on the late Quaternary glaciations in Tibet from cosmogenic exposure ages of moraine surfaces[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30: 528-554.
(14) CHEVALIER M L, RYERSON F J, TAPPONNIER P, FINKEL R C, VAN DER WOERD J, LI H B, LIU Q. 2005. Response to comment on “Slip-Rate Measurements on the Karakorum fault May Imply Secular Variations in fault Motion”[J]. Science, 309: 1326c.
(15) CHEVALIER M L, RYERSON F J, TAPPONNIER P, FINKEL R, VAN DER WOERD J, LI H, LIU Q. 2005. Slip-rate measurements on the Karakorum fault may imply secular variations in fault motion[J]. Science, 307(5708): 411-413.
(16) LI H, CHEVALIER M L, TAPPONNIER P, PAN J, VAN DER WOERD J, SUN Z, SI J, PEI J, XU X. 2021. Block Tectonics across Western Tibet and Millennial Recurrence of Large Earthquakes on the Karakax Fault[J]. submitted to Science.
(17) BAI M, CHEVALIER M L*, WANG S, PAN J, LELOUP P H, REPLUMAZ A, LI K, WU Q, LIU F, LI H, ZHANG J. 2021. Late Quaternary slip-rates along the Moxi and Zheduotang segments of the SE Xianshuihe fault, eastern Tibet, and geodynamic implications[J]. in review in Tectonics.
(18) WANG S, CHEVALIER M L*, REPLUMAZ A, LI H. Decoupling between crustal deformation of southern Tibet and underthrusting of Indian lithosphere[J]. in review in Terra Nova.
(19) PAN J, LI H, CHEVALIER M L, BAI M, LIU F, LIU D, ZHENG Y, LU H, ZHAO Z. 2020. A newly discovered active fault on the Selaha-Kangding segment along the SE Xianshuihe fault: the South Mugecuo fault[J]. Acta Geologica Sinica, 94(11): 178-3188.
(20) LI K, CHEVALIER M L*, LI H, PAN J, WANG S, BAI M, LIU F, WANG P. 2020. Thermochronology of the Chumba Yumvo leucogranite, southern Tibet: Constraints on the onset time of the STDS and the Yadong rift[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26(10): 3097-3116, doi: 10.18654/1000.0569/2020.10.10.
(21) WANG S, CHEVALIER M L*, PAN P, BAI M, LI K, LI H, WANG G. 2020. Quantification of the late Quaternary activity of the Yadong rift, southern Tibet[J]. Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228545.
(22) BAI M, CHEVALIER M L*, PAN J, REPLUMAZ A, LELOUP P H, MÉTOIS M, LI H. 2018. Southeastward increase of the late Quaternary slip-rate of the Xianshuihe fault, eastern Tibet. Geodynamic and seismic hazard implications[J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 485: 19-31, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2017.12.045.
Invited Talk and Keynote speaker (in Chinese) at the 3rd “Structural Geology, Tectonics andGeodynamics” symposium, Hangzhou, China; Talk (in Chinese) at the Chinese Geoscience Union (CGUS), Chongqing, China;
Talk (in Chinese) at the “The 2nd Guangzhou international high-end Forum on Marine Science and industrial technology”, Guangzhou;
Invited Talk at the “Xiangshan Science meeting”, Beijing, China;
Invited Talk (in Chinese) at the 14th meeting on the Geology of the Tibetan Plateau, Beijing;
Invited Speaker at KIGAM, South Korea;
Talk at the 2nd “Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics” symposium, Nanjing, Talk at CGUS Beijing; Poster at AGU 2018 Invited Speaker at ISTerre, University Grenoble-Alpes, France;
Invited Speaker at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei;
Poster at AGU;
Talks at CGUS, Beijing; Talk at AGU
Invited Speaker at “Institute of Crustal Dynamics, CEA, Beijing; Talk at 31st HKT, France; Invited Speaker at AOGS, Beijing; Poster at AGU; Co-convener at session T022 “Neotectonics in Central Asia” at AGU.
Invited Speaker at the University of Geosciences, Beijing; Talk at the “Central Asian Tectonics and western Pacific geodynamics international workshop”, Wuhan, China;
Talk at the University of Lyon 1, France; Talk at CGUS, Beijing;
Talk at the “Sino-German workshop on seismic rupture and faulting”, Chengdu, China; Poster at AGU
Talk at the Geology Symposium, Qingdao, China; Talk at AGU;
Talk and chairman at the 29th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet (HKT), Italy;
Co-organizer and Talk at the Sino-French seminar on the Geology and Tectonics of the Tibetan Plateau, Lyon, France
Talk at Cerege, France;
Talk at the 1st joint scientific meeting of GSC and GSA, Chengdu, China;
Talk at Hong Kong University; Talk at Caltech, USA; Keynote Speaker at 28th HKT workshop / 6th International Symposium on the Tibetan Plateau (ISTP), Tubingen, Germany; Poster at AGU
Talk at the Geology Symposium, Wuhan, China;
Invited Speaker at ISTerre, Grenoble, France;
Invited Speaker at Peking University, Beijing;
Invited Speaker and Chairman at the International Symposium of Earth Observation (ISEO) on arid and semi-arid environments, Kashgar, China;
Poster at AGU
Talk at the Geology Symposium, Nanjing, China; Talk at the 26th HKT workshop, Canmore, Canada;
Invited Speaker at the Institute of the Tibetan Plateau Research, Beijing; Poster at AGU
Poster at AGU
Talk at 24th HKT workshop / 5th ISTP, Beijing
Invited Speaker at USGS Menlo Park; Invited Speaker at UC Berkeley; Poster at AGU
Talk at 22nd HKT workshop; Talk at Hong-Kong University; Talk at AGU; Invited Speaker at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill
Talk at EGU;
Talk at AGU;
Talk at the University of La Réunion (LSTUR), France
Invited Speaker at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA;
Invited Speaker at Cal State Fullerton, USA;
Invited Speaker at Caltech, USA
Talk at AGU;
Talk at the 4th ISTP, Lhasa, China;
Poster at EGS (now EGU)