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曾钦旺 湖南省地质院 zqw516003212@163.com 
石少华 湖南省地质调查所  
钱滔 湖南省核地质调查所  
吴承东 湖南省核地质调查所  
潘军华 湖南省地球物理地球化学调查所  
魏元泵 湖南省生态地质调查监测所  
陈雨林 湖南省地球物理地球化学调查所  
基金项目:中国地质调查局项目(编号: DD20221695);湖南省自然资源厅项目(编号: 湘资发[2020]41号);湖南省地质院科研项目(编号: 201702)
中文摘要:本文运用地球科学相关基础学科的基本理论知识, 结合地质工作实践认识和矿床地质特征分析, 对几种重要热液矿床成矿的岩浆作用贡献进行分析探讨, 提出了新的认识。研究结果认为: ①地下水是通过补给和排泄交替循环的, 因此, 通过简单的地下水的循环逐步转化为含矿热液成矿是难以实现的, 地下水层控热液矿床成矿流体往往是经历了深部岩浆房驱动的热水循环。②地下卤水不是形成内生多金属矿床的矿源体, 其本身不具有形成多金属矿床的成矿物质条件, 产于板缘地热异常带内的热卤水中的多金属元素, 是板块活动引起的强烈的岩浆-火山活动所提供, 卤水起到了活化、富集和搬运金属元素的作用。③MVT铅锌矿床和卡林型金矿床的矿床特征本身说明它们的成矿与岩浆热液有成因关系。④根据变质作用和变质岩的定义, 所有的变化是在固态条件下进行的, 变质作用和变质岩难以形成变质热液矿床, 其成因类型可归为岩浆热液矿床。 ⑤韧性剪切带是岩浆热力作用和构造应力作用下的塑性变形, 成矿是岩浆热液在后期脆性断裂中充填交代而成。对矿床成因的正确认识, 可有效的指导找矿勘查工作。岩浆成矿作用是最广泛、最强烈的成矿作用之一。
中文关键词:地下水层控热液矿床  地下卤水多金属矿床  MVT铅锌矿床  卡林型金矿床  变质热液矿床  韧性剪切带型金矿床
Magmatic Contributions to the Mineralization of Several Important Hydrothermal Deposits
Abstract:Based on the fundamental theoretical knowledge of relevant basic disciplines within the earth sciences, in combination with an understanding of geological work practices and an analysis of the geological characteristics of mineral deposits, this study examined the contribution of magmatism to the mineralization of several important hydrothermal deposits and revealed some new understandings. The results of the study follow: ① Groundwater is alternately cycled through recharge and drainage, so it is difficult to realize the gradual transformation to ore-bearing hydrothermal mineralization through the simple groundwater cycle. Ore-forming fluids in groundwater-stratified hydrothermal deposits frequently undergo a hot water cycle propelled by deep magma chambers. ② Underground brine is not the formative source of endogenous polymetallic deposits, and it does not have the metallogenic material conditions for the formation of polymetallic deposits. The polymetallic elements in the hot brine within the geothermal anomaly zone at the edge of a plate are provided by the strong volcanic activity caused by plate interaction. The brine plays the roles of activation, enrichment, and transportation of metallic elements. ③ The deposit characteristics of MVT-type lead-zinc deposits and Carlin-type gold deposits indicate that their mineralization is genetically related to magmatic-hydrothermal activity. ④ According to the definitions of metamorphism and metamorphic rocks, all changes occur under solid conditions, and it is difficult for metamorphic hydrothermal deposits to form as a result of metamorphism and metamorphic rocks. Their genetic types can be classified as magmatic-hydrothermal deposits. ⑤ The ductile shear zone is a zone of plastic deformation under the action of magmatic thermodynamics and tectonic stress, and the mineralization that occurs is associated with the emplacement of magmatic-hydrothermal fillings in the late brittle fracture stage. A correct understanding of deposit genesis effectively guides prospecting work, and magmatic mineralization is a widespread and potent mineralization.
keywords:underground water stratified hydrothermal deposit  underground brine polymetallic deposit  MVT Pb–Zn deposit  Carlin-type gold deposit  metamorphic hydrothermal deposit  ductile shear zone-type gold deposit
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