粤东河源盆地的深部构造、沉积序列与盆地演化 |
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引用本文:张敏,李海龙,唐灵,祁士华,旷健,王文,张金龙.2024.粤东河源盆地的深部构造、沉积序列与盆地演化[J].地球学报,45(3):291-308. |
DOI:10.3975/cagsb.2023.110601 |
摘要点击次数: 1108 |
全文下载次数: 590 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号: U20A2096);中国地质调查局地质调查项目(编号: DD20190287);惠州市申报国家地热资源及中等城市地下空间开发利用示范城市项目;惠州市博罗县石坝盆地地质科学钻探工程项目 |
中文摘要:粤东河源盆地是东南沿海规模较大的晚中生代—新生代陆相盆地之一, 发育有较为完整的晚白垩世—新近纪地层。研究该盆地的深部构造、控盆断裂、沉积序列和盆地的形成发展, 对于认识东南沿海晚中生代—新近纪的大地构造演化有重要意义。通过对野外地质调查、地球物理反射剖面和约两千米的地质科学钻探等数据资料的综合研究, 查明了河源盆地为中生代—新生代沉积断陷盆地, 地层结构清晰, 沉积基底为早古生代地层, 并建立了该盆地晚白垩世—新近纪的三阶段沉积序列; 该盆地发育渐新世的火山岩, 揭示了控盆边界断裂及内部构造发育特征, 暗示了原型盆地的破坏发生于晚新生代: 即盆地南北两侧紫金—博罗逆冲断层和河源断裂带在晚古近纪—新近纪强烈地改造了原型盆地; 基于以上认识, 初步恢复了河源盆地的形成演化历史, 构建了河源盆地沉积序列-构造演化模式。 |
中文关键词:河源盆地 沉积序列 反射地震 构造演化 控盆断裂 科学钻探 东南沿海 |
Deep Structure, Sedimentary Sequence and Tectonic Evolution of Heyuan Basin, Eastern Guangdong Province |
Abstract:The tectonic evolution of the southeast coast since the Late Cretaceous is a key scientific issue in analyzing the present tectonic framework of South China. Currently, there is still no continuous profile data that can explain the complete sedimentary sequence in Southeast Coast of China. The Heyuan Basin in Eastern Guangdong of China is one of the large-scale Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic continental basins in Southeast Coast of China. There are relatively complete Late Cretaceous–Neogene strata in Heyuan Basin. Studying the deep structure, basin-controlled faults, sedimentary sequence and basin formation and development in Heyuan Basin is of great significance for understanding the tectonic evolution of Late Mesozoic–Neogene along the coast of South China. Based on the field geological survey geophysical reflection profile and the scientific geological drilling of about 2 km, this paper established the three-stage sedimentary sequence of the Late Cretaceous–Neogene in the basin. This paper discloses the development characteristics of boundary faults and internal structures in the basic based on geophysical exploration and combined with the Oligocene structure of volcanic rock, which indicates that the destruction of the prototype basin occurred in Cenozoic. Videlicet, the Zijin–Boluo thrust fault and Heyuan fault on both sides of the basin strongly reformed the prototype basin in Late Paleogene–Neogene. Based on the above understanding, the sedimentary sequence-tectonic evolution model of Heyuan Basin is preliminarily established. |
keywords:Heyuan Basin sedimentary sequence seismic reflection tectonic evolution basin-controlling fault scientific drilling Southeast Coast of China |
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