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罗允义 广西地质调查院 124881798@qq.com 
林建辉 广西地质调查院  
徐文忠 广西第四地质队  
韦国深 广西二七四地质队  
韦子任 广西第六地质队  
廖开立 广西地球物理勘察院  
基金项目:中国地质调查局“中国矿产地质志”项目(编号: DD20190379-19)
中文摘要:广西铝土矿矿床类型有沉积一水硬铝石型、堆积一水硬铝石型和堆积三水铝石型三种, 各类型铝土矿矿床均有相当数量达中-大型规模。矿石质量以堆积一水硬铝石型铝土矿最佳。广西铝土矿矿集区主要位于桂西和桂中地区, 其次为桂西南地区, 其中百色市的那坡—靖西—德保和平果—田东—田阳两个矿集区分布有广西大部分优质一水硬铝石型铝土矿矿床; 桂中地区的矿集区以堆积三水铝土矿分布为主; 桂西南扶绥—龙州矿集区亦具有一定的规模。广西沉积一水硬铝石型铝土矿矿床受控于上二叠统合山组煤系地层, 其后期风化形成了堆积一水硬铝石型铝土矿床, 而堆积三水铝土矿床则主要为碳酸盐岩分布区第四纪红土型风化作用形成的。广西铝土矿划分为两个矿床系列组合, 一为与沉积作用有关的矿床系列组合, 二为与风化作用有关的矿床成矿系列组合。作者采用全国统一成矿预测方法预测了广西铝土矿资源潜力, 圈出了7个铝土矿成矿远景区。下一步找矿将以探查沉积一水硬铝石型铝土矿为主。
中文关键词:广西铝土矿  矿床特征  矿床成因  成矿规律  成矿系列  找矿方向
Characteristic, Ore-forming Regularity, Minerogenetic Series,and Ore-searching Direction of Bauxite in Guangxi
Abstract:There are three types of bauxite deposits in Guangxi: sedimentary-diaspora, accumulation-diaspora, and accumulation-gibbsite. Considerable amounts of bauxite of various types are medium- to large-scale and the best ore quality is from the accumulation-diaspora type. The bauxite ore concentration areas in Guangxi are mainly distributed in western and central Guangxi, followed by southwestern Guangxi. Among them, most high-quality diaspora type bauxite deposits are distributed in two ore concentration areas: Napo–Jingxi–Debao and Pingguo–Tiandong–Tianyang. The accumulation-gibbsite type deposits are mainly distributed in the ore concentration area of central Guangxi, while some are found in the Fusui–Longzhou ore concentration area in southwestern Guangxi. In Guangxi, sedimentary-diaspora type deposits are controlled by the coal strata of the Heshan Formation, Upper Permian, and were formed by later weathering products. Accumulation-gibbsite type deposits formed mainly from Quaternary laterite weathering of the carbonate distribution area. There are two combinations of bauxite deposit series in Guangxi, separately related to sedimentation and weathering. Based on a unified national metallogenic prediction method, we forecasted the bauxite resource potential of Guangxi and delineated seven bauxite metallogenic prospecting areas. The next prospecting will focus on sedimentary-diaspora type deposits.
keywords:bauxite in Guangxi  deposit characteristics  ore genesis  ore-forming regularity  minerogenetic series  ore-searching direction
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