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肖克炎 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 kyanxiao@sohu.com 
樊铭静 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所
孙莉 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所  
朱裕生 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所  
徐旸 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号: 2017YFC0601501);国家自然科学基金项目(编号: 41802250)
中文摘要:矿产资源是人类生存发展的物质基础。迄今我国科学家已经发现173个矿种, 形成了大量的地质资料与科研成果。本文在全国潜力评价工作的基础上, 总结形成了矿床成矿系列综合信息预测理论方法体系, 该体系以矿床成矿系列、成矿分析、综合信息矿产预测理论为基础, 以区域综合信息编图、综合信息预测模型构建及矿产资源定量预测为主要内容, 通过构建地质空间数据库、圈定矿预测类型和工作区、编制专题预测底图-综合信息预测要素图、建立综合信息预测模型, 进而进行矿产资源的定位-定量预测, 开展矿产资源的潜力评价研究。最后本文以熊耳山金矿为例, 运用该理论方法开展区域矿产资源定量预测, 为矿产资源预测提供参考意义。
中文关键词:矿产资源  理论方法  成矿预测  成矿系列  综合信息
Theoretical Method of Integrated Geological Information Prediction of Metallogenic Series for Mineral Resource Potential Assessment
Abstract:Mineral resources are essential to human survival and development. So far, 173 minerals have been discovered by Chinese scientists. During this period, a large number of geological data and scientific research achievements have been formed. In this paper, the theoretical and methodological of metallogenic series and integrated geological based on the National Potential Evaluation project were summarized and formed, which is based on the theory of metallogenic series, metallogenic analysis and comprehensive information mineral prediction. The main contents were created the regional comprehensive information mapping, the comprehensive information prediction model and the quantitative prediction of mineral resources. The main method process is to construct the geological spatial database, delineate the types and work areas of mine prediction, compile the thematic prediction base map and comprehensive information prediction element map, construct the comprehensive information prediction model, and carry out the positioning and quantitative prediction of mineral resources. Finally, a case of gold deposit metallogenic prediction in the Xiong’ershan area provides a reference for mineral resources prediction.
keywords:mineral resources  theoretical method  metallogenic prediction  metallogenic series  integrated geological information
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