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李娟 北京市地热调查研究所
郑佳 北京市地热调查研究所
雷晓东 北京市生态地质研究所  
贾子龙 北京市地热调查研究所
刘爱华 北京市地热调查研究所
徐子君 北京市地热调查研究所
基金项目:北京市地质矿产勘查院综合地质调查与评价项目(编号: PXM2018_158203_000010; PXM2018_158309_000002; PXM2020_158309_000012)
中文摘要:利用北京市35个现场换热孔岩土热响应试验数据, 分析了地质条件和埋管形式对地埋管换热器换热性能的影响。研究结果表明地质条件对地埋管换热性能具有显著影响: 地层初始平均温度每变化1 ℃, 换热能力相差8%左右; 基岩地层的地埋管换热能力平均比松散层高35%; 换热孔处地下水流速从0.14 m/d增至0.91 m/d, Pe值从18增加至113, 由于热对流换热作用加强, 延米换热量提升13%。在相同地质条件下, 套管式换热器冬季延米取热量比双U型换热器高约40%; 换热深度从150 m增加至300 m时, 双U型和套管式换热器延米取热量均略有升高。
中文关键词:浅层地热能  岩土热响应试验  地层温度  地下水径流  埋管形式
Study on the Influence of Geological Conditions and Heat Exchanger Type on BHE Thermal Performance
Abstract:Based on the rock-soil thermal response test results of 35 in-situ heat exchange holes in Beijing, the influence of different geological conditions and heat exchanger type on the heat transfer capacity of borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) was analyzed. The results show that geological conditions significantly influence BHE thermal performance. When the stratum temperature changes by 1 ℃, the heat transfer capacity changes by ~8%. The thermal performance of bedrock stratum is 35% higher than that of loose stratum on average. The groundwater flow rate at the test hole increased from 0.14 m/d to 0.91 m/d and the Pe value increased from 18 to 113. Additionally, due to the strengthening of heat convection, the BHE thermal performance increased by 13%. Under the same geological conditions, the heat exchange per meter of coaxial BHE is 40% higher than that of double U BHE in winter. Furthermore, when the depth increased from 150 m to 300 m, the heat exchange per meter of double U and coaxial BHEs increased slightly.
keywords:shallow geothermal energy  rock-soil thermal response test  stratum temperature  groundwater runoff  heat exchanger type
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