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叶飞 贵州省地矿局一〇三地质大队 282252163@qq.com 
李江风 中国地质大学(武汉) jf1i0524@ 163.com 
舒多友 贵州省地矿局一〇三地质大队  
石磊 贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区管理局  
葛风建 中国地质大学(武汉)  
潘文 贵州省地矿局一〇三地质大队
吴桂武 贵州省地矿局一〇三地质大队  
石春光 中国贵州梵净山世界地质公园申报小组领导办公室  
李海波 贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区管理局  
李核良 重庆市地质矿产勘查开发局607地质队  
谢兴友 贵州省地矿局一〇三地质大队  
基金项目:贵州省地矿局重大科研项目“贵州‘梵净山’地貌特征成因分析”(编号: 黔地矿科合[2018]06号);贵州省地矿局科研项目“湘西-黔东北地区铅锌矿床成矿机制研究”(编号: 黔地矿科合[201502号]);贵州省科技支撑项目“锰矿勘查与开发大数据管理与智能处理系统研发应用”(编号: 黔科技支撑[2017]2951);贵州省地矿局重大科研项目“黔东北若干超大型锰矿床三维地质建模与数据挖掘”(编号: 黔地矿科合[2017]2号);贵州省科技支撑项目“贵州省深部锰矿地球物理精细探测新技术研发”(编号: 黔科合支撑[2019]2868)
中文摘要:贵州梵净山世界自然遗产地是一个元古宙时期的裂谷盆地。历经了原特提斯-古特提斯-新特提斯以及太平洋-印度洋俯冲汇聚的影响, 是多期次、复杂的地块拼合和造山带演化产物。区域上以喀斯特地貌包围浅变质岩山脉地貌为特征。研究区内地质遗迹、景观类型多样。其中达世界级地质遗迹景观共计4处。区内自白垩纪末期开始了间歇性的隆升, 由于受梵净山穹窿构造及多个滑脱层影响, 造成了剥蚀速率的差异, 奠定了如今的地貌雏形; 通过构造解析及物质组成分析, 认为梵净山特有的层状浅变质岩侵蚀地貌是在以构造为主导的应力塑造之下, 经由风化、剥蚀以及冰川作用共同雕琢而成。并就研究区内主要地质遗迹特征、成因及演化进行了论述。贵州梵净山世界自然遗产地内不仅地质遗迹种类丰富, 而且多处代表性地质遗迹具有全球对比价性, 有极高的科学、科普价值。
中文关键词:梵净山世界自然遗产地  地质遗迹  地质成因
A Study of Characteristics, Genesis and Evolution of Important Geological Relics in the Fanjing Mountain World Natural Heritage site, Guizhou Province
Abstract:The Fanjing Mountain World Natural Heritage site is a Proterozoic rift basin. With the impact of subduction convergence of Proto-Tethys – PaleoTethys - Neo-Tethys as well as the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, it has become a product of multi-period, complex land consolidation and mountain belt evolution. The region is characterized by karst landform surrounded by shallow metamorphic rock mountain landform. There are various types of geological relics and landscapes, including 4 world-class geological relic landscapes. On the basis of previous research, the method of thermal simulation data and structural style was first used to restrict the uplift and evolution of physiognomy in this area. The uplift started intermittently from the end of Cretaceous. Due to the dome structure of Fanjing Mountain and the multiple detachment layers, the planned park shows different rates of denudation, thus laying the foundation of the present landform. Structural analysis and material composition analysis show that Fanjing Mountain has an unique erosion landform of layered and shallow metamorphic rocks, which is believed to be shaped by weathering, denudation and glaciation under the stress shaping dominated by structure. In this paper, the characteristics, genesis and evolution of the study area are also discussed. The Fanjing Mountain World Natural Heritage site has not only varied types of geological remains but also several representative geological sites with global comparative value. It has extremely high scientific and popular science value.
keywords:Fanjing Mountain World Natural Heritage Site  geological relic  geological origin
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