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任天龙 山东省地质调查院 J_were121@126.com 
王玉叶 山东建大景园科技有限公司  
宁振国 山东省地质调查院  
沈才智 大连自然博物馆
周炫宇 中国地质科学院地质研究所  
田中康平 日本名古屋大学博物馆  
黄永波 山东省地质调查院  
张成君 兰州大学地质科学与矿产资源学院(甘肃省西部矿产资源重点实验室)  
吕君昌 中国地质科学院地质研究所 Lujc2008@126.com 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“江西赣州地区恐龙动物群研究”(编号: 41672019);“克拉通破坏与陆地生物演化”(编号: 41688103);中国地质调查局地质调查项目“古生物标准化石数据库建设”(编号: DD20160126);山东省地质勘查项目“1∶5万夏格庄、灵山幅区域地质调查”(编号: 鲁勘字(2015)1号)
中文摘要:本文报道了首次在山东青岛莱西地区晚白垩世红土崖组发现的恐龙蛋化石, 蛋化石呈圆形, 其直径为11 cm, 蛋壳的显微构造研究表明, 它属于树枝蛋类, 可能为镰刀龙类恐龙所产。沉积环境和岩石地球化学分析显示, 该时期研究区主要为河道—河漫滩沉积环境, 适宜的古气候条件是恐龙蛋孵化的理想地区; 同时镰刀龙类蛋的发现, 预示着将来在该地区很有可能发现镰刀类恐龙骨骼化石。
中文关键词:莱西  晚白垩世  红土崖组  树枝蛋科  恐龙蛋  镰刀龙类恐龙
The First Discovery of Dinosaur Eggs in Laixi Area of Qingdao, Shandong Province, and Sedimentary Environmental Analysis
Abstract:The first discovery of dinosaur eggs from the Late Cretaceous Hongtuya Formation of Laixi area of Qingdao in Shandong Province is reported in this paper. The shape of the egg is round with a diameter of 11 cm. According to the microstructure of the egg shell, they are assigned to the oofamily Dendroolithidae, probably belonging to therizinosauroid dinosaurs. The sedimentary environment and rock geochemistry analysis suggest that the study area was mainly dominated by the river channel and flood plain sedimentary environments, probably a favorable nesting site for dinosaurs under the optimum palaeoclimatic condition. At the meantime, the discovery of therizinosauroid eggs provides a possibility to find therizinosauroid skeletons from this area in the future.
keywords:Laixi  Late Cretaceous  Hongtuya Formation  Dendroolithidae  dinosaur egg  therizinosauroid dinosaurs
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