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董树文 中国地质科学院 swdong@cags.ac.cn 
李廷栋 中国地质科学院  
高锐 中国地质科学院地质研究所  
吕庆田 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所  
魏文博 中国地质大学(北京)  
杨经绥 中国地质科学院地质研究所  
王学求 中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所  
陈群策 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所  
石耀霖 中国科学院研究生院  
黄大年 吉林大学  
陈宣华 中国地质科学院  
周琦 中国地质科学院  
基金项目:国家专项“深部探测技术与实验研究”(编号: SinoProbe-08)
中文摘要:深部探测技术与实验研究专项(SinoProbe, 2008—2012)是我国历史上实施的规模最大的地球深部探测计划。专项成功实现了技术创新与重大科学发现的并举, 完成了6000 km深地震反射剖面, 使我国进入国际深部探测大国的行列。专项建立了全国大地电磁参数网和地球化学基准网, 实施的6口科学钻探获得重要发现, 实现矿集区立体探测, 关键地区地应力监测、岩石圈动力学模拟、大陆地壳结构与演化研究取得长足进展, 探测仪器装备研制取得重要突破。专项被认为是我国由地质大国向地质强国转变的标志性重大地学计划, 在世界地球科学领域具有很强的影响力, 具有经济社会意义巨大创新价值, 在大科学计划组织实施方面做了有益的探索, 为实施“地壳探测工程”重大科技专项奠定了坚实基础。专项被两院院士评为“2011年度中国十大科技进展新闻”。“深部探测技术与实验研究专项与国际同步”, 获得中国地质科学院2012年度十大科技进展的特别进展。
中文关键词:中国深部探测(SinoProbe)  地壳结构  深地震反射  大地电磁  矿集区立体探测  科学钻探  地球化学基准网  地应力测量  地球动力学模拟  探测仪器装备研制  特别进展
Progress of SinoProbe – Deep Exploration in China 2008—2012
Abstract:The SinoProbe – Deep Exploration in China is a multidisciplinary earth science research program on geosciences with unprecedented scope and scientific ambition. The overall aim of the SinoProbe is to reveal the composition, structure and evolution of the continental lithosphere underneath China. SinoProbe 2008—2012, the initial phase of the SinoProbe, has achieved a lot of technological innovations and made some important scientific discoveries in the field of deep exploration in China, with a great innovation value for the society. The project has completed a total length of 6000 km deep seismic reflection profiling in Tibet, South China, North China, and Northeast China, impelling China to be one of the major advanced countries in the international society of deep exploration. It has carried out lots of research work, such as nation-wide geochemical baseline (with 78 elements) and magnetotelluric (MT) array (by 4°?4°, and 1°?1° in North China and Tibet), 3D exploration in ore deposit districts in eastern China, several fruitful continental scientific drilling boreholes, two regional in-situ stress monitoring networks, geodynamic modeling of the lithosphere underneath China’s mainland, and instrumentation development for deep exploration in China. As a result, some new recognitions on the Mesozoic – Cenozoic geological and tectonic evolution of the continental China have been gained. In addition, some valuable explorations on the organization and administration of big-science program were made, which have exerted a strong influence on the geoscience society of the world. The SinoProbe 2008—2012 has laid a solid foundation for the organization and implementation of the full scale SinoProbe – Deep Exploration in China as a Major National Science and Technology Program. The SinoProbe is considered as a major signature geoscience program during the transition of China from a big country of geoscience to a powerful country of geoscience. SinoProbe – Deep Exploration in China, opening a new time of geoscience research in China, was awarded one of the top 10 scientific and technological progresses of China in 2011 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the international synchronization of the SinoProbe – Deep Exploration in China, has been awarded the Special Progress of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences in 2012.
keywords:SinoProbe–deep exploration in China  crustal structure  deep seismic reflection  MT array  3D probe in ore deposits  scientific drilling  geochemical baseline  stress monitoring  geodynamic modeling  development of instrument  special progress
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