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姚玉增 东北大学地质系 yz_yao@126.com 
李仁峰 辽宁冶金地质勘查局地质勘查研究院  
温守钦 东北大学地质系  
赵玉山 东北大学地质系  
基金项目:辽宁省国土资源厅“十五”科技攻关项目“辽宁省北部、西部地质灾害分布规律、演化趋势及防治对策研究”(编号: 2001230008)
中文摘要:凌源市是辽西地区山地地质灾害危害较为严重的区域。作者在GIS技术支持下, 选取地形、岩性、构造、降雨、道路、土地利用6个因素作为评价指标, 根据历史上已发生的68个山地地质灾害点计算了各指标因子的敏感性, 采用层次分析法确定了各指标的权重, 利用因子叠置法对凌源市山地灾害易发性进行了综合评价。结果表明凌源地区的山地灾害易发程度具有明显的地带性, 高易发区与区域性大断裂及人类活动密切相关。该研究对凌源地区地质灾害防治具有一定的指导意义。
中文关键词:山地地质灾害  易发性评价  凌源市  GIS  评价指标
Probability Assessment of Mountainous Hazards in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province
Abstract:Lingyuan City lies in western Liaoning Province with severe mountainous geological hazards. Based on GIS, the authors selected six indices, i.e., topography, lithology, structure, rainfall, land-use and road, for the assessment, and calculated the sensitivity of various indices according to 68 hazards that historically happened, with the weights of the factors determined by AHP. The synthetic appraisal of mountainous geological hazards in Lingyuan City was made by factor overlay. The result indicates that the distribution of mountainous geological hazards in Lingyuan area is of obvious zonality, and the highly-dangerous area is intimately related to regional tectonics and human activities with high frequency. The research is helpful to the prevention of mountain hazards in Lingyuan City.
keywords:mountainous geological disaster  probability assessment  Lingyuan City  GIS  assessing indicator
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