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赵汀 中国地质科学院矿产资源所 sportwell@vip.sina.com 
赵逊 中国地质科学院  
中文摘要:地质遗迹是地质作用过程中形成的地质现象, 是最重要、最珍贵的自然遗产。地质遗迹研究是探索地球演化进程和方向的主要内容, 其价值不可限量。在地质公园工作推进过程中, 开展地质遗迹科学意义的评估。对地质遗迹进行科学分类, 是地质公园设计和建设, 科学研究和普及的重要基础。显而易见, 随地质遗迹区域调查和保护规划的广泛开展, 以往地质遗迹分类已难以满足地质公园快速发展的需求, 以系统地球科学为指导的地质学科分类为基础的地质遗迹分类学也就应运而生了。
中文关键词:地质遗迹  显性地质遗迹  科学分类  中国地质公园
Geoheritage Taxonomy and Its Application
Abstract:Geological heritages result from geological processes through millions of years and are hence most important natural heritages. Researches on geological heritages are main contents of the exploration of the earth and the investigation of global evolutionary progress and trend. The work in this aspect is therefore of very important and universal value. The evaluation of geological heritages’ scientific significance within geoparks and the classification of geological heritages constitute important foundations for planning, development and scientific research of geoparks. It is obvious that, with the development of geological heritages in regional investigation and protection planning, old classifications of geological heritages can no longer meet the demands of fast growing geoparks. Therefore, a new systematic classification is put forward in this paper based on scientific geological subjects.
keywords:geoheritage  dominant geoheritage  scientific classification  geoparks in China
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