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陈柏林 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 北京 100081 cblh6299@263.net。 
蒋荣宝 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 北京 100081  
李丽 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 北京 100081  
陈正乐 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 北京 100081  
祁万修 新疆地质调查院第一地质调查所, 乌鲁木齐 830011  
刘荣 新疆地质调查院第一地质调查所, 乌鲁木齐 830011  
崔玲玲 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 北京 100081  
王世新 新疆地质调查院第一地质调查所, 乌鲁木齐 830011  
基金项目:“十一?五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目(编号: 2006BAB07B02-04)的资助成果
中文摘要:阿尔金山东段喀腊大湾地区具有形成火山-沉积改造型铁矿床的区域大地构造背景, 通过对已有铁矿床的研究, 确认包括白尖山铁矿和八八铁矿在内的阿尔金山东段喀腊大湾地区铁矿床属于火山-沉积改造型, 因此铁矿床分布具有成带的特点, 据此提出“八八铁矿——4337高地”和“3121高地——白尖山——3081高地”两个找矿预测靶区, 并经过2007年和2008年两年野外工作的追索和验证, 新发现8个铁矿, 确认“八八铁矿——4337高地”和“3121高地——白尖山——3081高地”两条铁矿带, 取得在该区铁矿地质找矿的重大突破, 从前人3个孤立铁矿点扩大到两条铁矿带(新增8个铁矿)、铁金属储量从不足1000万吨增加到超过3000万吨。阿尔金山东段铁矿找矿的突破不仅为国家提供储量丰富的铁矿资源, 也为基础地质(祁连山与阿尔金山东段的对比以及阿尔金断裂走滑距离的估算)研究提供重要依据
中文关键词:火山-沉积改造型  铁矿带  喀腊大湾  阿尔金山东段
Discovery of Iron Ore Zones in the Kaladawan Area within the Eastern Part of the Altun Mountains and Its Significance
Abstract:There exists a geotectonic setting for the formation of volcanic-sedimentary transformation type iron deposits in Kaladawan area, the eastern part of Altun Mountains. Based on a study of existent iron deposits, the authors hold that iron deposits in Kaladawan area (including Baijianshan and Baba) belong to the vol-canic-sedimentary transformation type and are in zonal distribution. According to these ideas, the authors propose two iron ore target areas for further exploration, i.e., the Baba iron deposit——4337 highland and 3121 high-land——the Baijianshan iron deposit—3081 highland. As a result of field investigation and test results in 2007 and 2008, the authors have found two iron ore zones, namely, Baba iron deposit——4337 highland and 3121 highland——Baijianshan iron ore deposit—3080 highland. The formerly three isolated iron ore spots have now become two iron ore zones, with newly-found eight iron deposits being in zonal distribution. The reserves of iron metal increased from less than ten million tons to more than thirty million tons. The iron exploration breakthrough in the eastern part of the Altun Mountains provides not only abundant iron resources for national construction but also important data for basic geological researches such as the geological comparison between the Qilian Mountain and the eastern part of the Altun Mountains and the calculation of strike-slip displacement.
keywords:volcanic-sedimentary transformation type  iron ore zone  Kaladawan area  eastern part of Altun Mountains
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