内蒙古锡林郭勒盟多伦地区张家口组首次发现的碱性火山岩及其地质意义 |
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引用本文:刘妍,黄增芳,张德全,李大新,聂风军.2005.内蒙古锡林郭勒盟多伦地区张家口组首次发现的碱性火山岩及其地质意义[J].地球学报,26(6):541-546. |
DOI:10.3975/cagsb.2005.06.09 |
摘要点击次数: 16317 |
全文下载次数: 20957 |
基金项目:国家计委科研专项(地科专96-02)“锡盟多伦地区金属成矿地质条件;远景预测”中的部分成果,得到国家地质调查项目(编号:K1.3.32) |
中文摘要:笔者首次在张家口组火山沉积地层中发现了碱性火山岩。在最近成果整理过程中又补做了一些矿物学的测试工作,较详细地研究了该套碱性火山岩的碱性矿物组合特征,其中碱性矿物有:霞石(?)、霓石、霓辉石、镁钠闪石、钠长石、透长石及歪长石等。该套碱性火山岩的发现不但丰富了张家口组火山岩的岩石类型,而且深刻地影响着该区大地构造环境的研究,可能反映了大陆裂谷构造背景。 |
中文关键词:碱性火山岩 霓石 霓辉石 张家口组 锡林郭勒盟-多伦 |
Discovery of Alkali Volcanic Rocks in the Zhangjiakou Formation of the Duolun Area, Inner Mongolia, and Its Geological Significance |
Abstract:The Zhangjiakou Formation is located along the northern margin of the North China Craton and is mainly composed of volcano-sedimentary rocks. Its formation time has been considered to be Late Jurassic. Recently, some kinds of alkali volcanic rocks were discovered in Zhangjiakou Formation of Duolun area, Inner Mongolia. They contain nepheline(?), aegirine, aegirine-pyroxene, magnesioriebeckite, albite, sanidine and anorthoclase, being quite similar in petrography and mineral association to rocks of Duolun Formation in the same area, which has been considered to be formed in Cretaceous. The discovery of the alkali volcanic rocks in Zhangjia- kou Formation not only enriches rock types but also provides new data for the study of the tectonic environment and evolution of Duolun area. |
keywords:alkali volcanic rock aegirine aegirine-pyroxene Zhangjiakou Formation Duolun in Xilin Gol League |
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