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张发旺 中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所,河北正定 
王贵玲 中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所,河北正定 
侯新伟 中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所,河北正定 
李建华 河北省地质学会,石家庄 
李玉静 河北省地质学会,石家庄 
中文摘要:地下水循环方式的不同对围岩温度场产生的影响有很大差异。当低温地下水向下运动时 ,将引起围岩温度降低 ,出现低温异常 ,从而阻碍地热资源的形成 ;当深循环的地下水在循环过程中被岩温加热 ,并在一定地质条件下向上循环时 ,将引起流经围岩的局部温度升高 ,在浅部形成局部地热异常 ,进而促进地热资源的形成。因此 ,地下水循环对围岩温度场的影响在一定程度上决定着地热资源的形成。本文在研究地下水循环对围岩温度场的影响基础上 ,利用地球化学地热温标和同位素方法对平顶山矿区地热资源的形成进行了分析 ,预测了该区地温场温度分布。
中文关键词:地下水循环  围岩温度场  地热资源  平顶山矿区
An Analysis of the Formation of Geothermal Resources and the Effects of Groundwater Circulation on the Wall Rock Temperature Field--Taking the Pingdingshan Mining Field as an Example
Abstract:Different ways of groundwater circulation exert different effects on wall-rock temperature field.When low-temperature groundwater moves downward, wall-rock temperature may drop and low-temperature anomalies may occur,which hinders the formation of geothermal resource. On the other hand, deep circulating groundwater heated by rock temperature moves upward under certain geological conditions, causing local temperature rising of wall rock and the formation of geothermal anomalies at shallow depth and promoting the formation of geothermal resources. Therefore, the formation of geothermal resources is to some extent determined by the effects of groundwater circulation on wall-rock temperature field.Based on research into effects of groundwater circulation on wall-rock temperature field, this paper analyzes the formation of geothermal resources in the Pingdingshan mining field, forecasts temperature distribution of the geotemperature field in the area by using geochemical geothermometer and isotope method. The research methods may have theoretical and practical significance in analyzing the formation of geothermal resources in other areas.
keywords:groundwater circulation  wall-rock temperature field  geothermal resources  Pingdingshan mining field
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