封面故事:柴钾1井钻探工程野外现场。2023年启动新一轮找矿突破行动, 中国地质调查局部署青海钾盐增储保供会战, 以郑绵平院士提出的“承袭式”成钾理论为指导, 在柴西北黑北凹地设计实施柴钾1井, 探获涌水量 8 586 m3/d、KCl平均含量0.54%的高产工业品位“砂砾型”卤水钾矿, 取得了柴达木盆地深层卤水钾盐找矿新突破。这项由中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所张永生研究员、侯献华教授级高工主持的研究成果, 当选中国地质科学院2023年度十大科技进展, 排名第六。详见本期643-650页。
Cover Story:Field photograph of the well CK1 drilling pro-ject. In 2023, a new round of breakthrough pro-specting actions was launched. China Geological Survey initiated the potash battle, focusing on increasing reserves and ensuring the supply of potash in Qinghai. Under the guidance of the inherited potassium formation theory proposed by Academician ZHENG Mianping, well CK1 was designed and implemented in the Heibei Depression in the northwestern Qaidam Basin. High-yield industrial grade “sand-gravel type” brine potassium ore with water inflow of up to 8 586 m3/d and average KCl content of 0.54% has been discovered, creating a new breakthrough in deep brine potash salt prospecting in the Qaidam Basin. The research achievement, led by Profes-sor ZHANG Yongsheng and HOU Xianhua of the Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS, ranks sixth among the “Top Ten Geological Sci-tech Progresses of CAGS in 2023”. For details, see pp. 643-650 of this issue. (Photo by HOU Xianhua)