ISSN 1006-3021 CN11-3474/P
Published bimonthly started in 1979
投稿时间:2024-01-09  修订日期:2024-03-29
关键词:karst landscape  stable factors  changing factors  the process for karst landscape formation(PKLF)
韦跃龙* 中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所/自然资源部、广西岩溶动力学重点实验室 541004
摘要点击次数: 277
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The relationship between the process for karst landscape formation and stable and changing factors
      The interaction between the landscape forming process and the stable factors such as strata and structure, as well as the changing factors such as water, air and climate in a certain karst area constitutes a complex, dynamic, multi-period cyclic system for karst landscape formation(SKLF) which is similar to each other but obviously different from each other. Through different processes for karst landscape formation(PKLF, that is response subsystem of landscape formation), various landscape monomers (that is output subsystem) were formed, which not only showed the characteristics of common region, period and type, but also had different development characteristics. Among them: (1)Strata and structure factors respectively constitute a matter and endogenetic force subsystem of SKLF, macroscopically controlling the pattern,characteristics (e.g. mode, intensity and amplitude) and limits of PKLF jointly. (2)Water, air, climate, biology, soil and other factors are relatively active external driving factors of SKLF, which directly or indirectly provide different external dynamic conditions for the PKLF. They constitute an external input and exogenous force subsystem of SKLF. They guide and adjust the operation, evolution of the SKLF critically, controlling the features of the PKLF directly or indirectly. (3) Taking the influence degree of regional crustal uplift from strong to weak as the time limit and the main line, a certain cycle of karst landscape formation is divided into four stages: soluble rocks exposure and segmentation stage [phase-I intermittent regional tectonic movement period] → embryonic stage [early stage of stable regional geologic structure] → important development and formation stage [ middle stage of stable regional geologic structure] → inherited transformation and development stage [late stage of stable regional geologic structure].They correspond to the distinct characteristics of karst landscape formation.(4) Regional karstification continue to develop in multi-stage cyclical cycles according to these four stages, during which different parts of the karst area (i.e. surface, underground and between surface and underground) carry out different PKLF, and form corresponding three types of landscapes respectively, and the relationships between them change from dispersed, independent of each other to restricted each other, and synergistic symbiotic succession.
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